In this Blog Exploding Phone’s MD, Andy Long, discusses the processes of Testing and Distribution apps:
Generally Exploding Phone provides versions of the app throughout the build process to be installed on testers’ smartphones. We send builds of the app earlier rather than later as we find it’s quicker to deal with feedback before the app has been completely developed. The customer Project Manager normally co-ordinates the customer’s testing and feedback responsibilities. It’s important where possible to provide feedback as quickly as possible, and to collate all feedback into a single document rather than sending it piecemeal. This will make it easier for the development team to continue working and maintain project’s momentum. When the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is completed we will need ‘sign-off’ to distribute the app. Sometimes this can take a relatively time, but this risk can usually be mitigated by keeping the person with responsibility for signing off the project involved throughout, as they have the knowledge and confidence to make a timely decision.
Once the app is approved the app can be made available for users to download. How this is done depends on the nature of the app and to whom it is being distributed.
Apple and Android App Store:
If the app is for public use or the distribution is outside your own organisation then the app should be uploaded to the App Store. To list an app in the App Store under your organisation’s name, the organisation needs to register and pay for an Apple Developer Account and/or Google Developer Account. At the time of writing there is a one-off cost of US$25 to join the Google Developer programme and an annual cost of £60 to join the Apple Developer programme. Exploding Phone normally uploads the app on the customer’s behalf, as it is relatively complex process. Some thought will need to be put into the description, keywords, screenshots, categories, etc., to be used in the App Store listings.
Enterprise Distribution:
Specifically, for iOS, if your apps are to be distributed just within your own organisation then there is an Enterprise Distribution programme that allows apps to be distributed outside the App Store. This is typically done using a web server and providing a download link for employees to get the apps. Android apps can be distributed internally without any interference from Google, as they do not have the same restrictions as iOS apps.