An eight part exploration into the essentials of app development
Apple and Google regularly update their mobile operating system with each upgrade potentially causing crashes, display problems and functionality not working as designed. As such the app will eventually require maintenance to keep it functioning correctly. Exploding Phone offers a 3 month warranty on app development and an ongoing Maintenance and Support service.
Under a Maintenance and Support contract Exploding Phone tests apps against pre-release versions of each new mobile OS to resolve any issues before app users upgrade along with resolving any bug fixes required outside of warranty and minor content changes. Ad-hoc support where issues on a chargeable ‘Time and Materials’ basis with the customer taking responsible for ensuring update related work is scheduled in a timely fashion.
Need more information? Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions Guide. Happy to take the next step? Call us or use the contact form to schedule a project feasibility chat. We will provide candid feedback on the match between your requirement and our skill set and, if there is a match, we will quickly provide you with indicative costings.
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