Exploding Phone News page15
We are delighted to have received another fantastic review
TSL approached us in 2019 with a requirement to build an app and associated management system to conolidate the company's 100% commitment to innovation and workplace Health and Safety.
The system is now live and delivering against its o...
There are perhaps broadly two types of commercial organisation. There are companies with a culture focussed on helping customers fix their problems, believing this will enable the company to maintain financial viability. And there are companies that are all about maximising financial viability where...
Jimmy Davies from TwoKnights Ltd. reflects on the Exploding Phone partnership
Once again we are delighted that one of our customers has chosen to recognise the value of the work we do for them via a 5* review on the Clutch web site.
With a model not disimilar to Trustpilot, the review site C...