In 2021 one of Exploding Phone's existing clients, HOPS launched a new business, TwoKnights AgTech focused on Agri Tech and recruitment technology. Jimmy Davies (MD) identified the system previously built for HOPS by Exploding Phone as having the potential to meet a wider currently under-serviced in...

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Many customers find us after reading highly positive reviews about the Exploding Phone' development services on the Clutch review web site. As such it's gratifying when customers are happy to complete the circle by sharing their own experiences.
Our latest review is from Capital Fireplaces. The...

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Prospective customers regularly ask us to suggest apps we've developed that they can download from the app stores. However many of the apps we develop are deployed to very tightly defined groups of users, and it's often impractical to provide log-in credentials to third parties. Furthermore simply d...

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