Once again pleased to report another 5* customer review on the Clutch review site.

Comments like:
"We’re impressed with how they’re able to give honest feedback. If we ask them to do something they felt would be wrong, they would tell us instead of just doing it. They maintain their integrit...

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Gas App Uk is a great example of someone seeing a niche in the market and building an app to meet that need.

As time has progressed we have had the opportunity to continue the App Development process and the company's MD decided that the project had moved forward sufficiently to warrant a second ...

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This month we have interviewed out Head of Android Development, Chris Eggison.

When did you join the Exploding Phone team?
I joined the company in July 2013. I had just graduated from Higher Education although I had also worked within the NHS while at university.

As Head of Android Developm...

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